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.Aurora Orchestra take Beethoven back to where he comes from: back to the wildness of thought, to the dance of thoughts, to the freedom of the heart.
“From the heart – may it go to the heart again”: Beethoven himself put these words at the beginning of his Missa solemnis. After an opening work, Selaocoe’s own cello concerto will be performed this evening, which the all-round musician titled Four Spirits. A cello concerto that works in a completely different way, with Selaocoe also singing, and lively rhythms provided by percussion.
After the interval, Aurora take on the dance piece of the symphonic repertoire: Beethoven’s seventh symphony. Even the “slow” movement isn’t really slow – it’s moving, hymn-like, plaintive and ultimately expansive, human, tragic, great! And the surrounding symphony movements go off as if there was no stopping them. Aurora Orchestra plays from memory, not from notes, but from the heart. And yet – or precisely because of this – closer to Beethoven than many intellectual views of Beethoven. An absolute rarity in the classical music world, and an experience that you won’t soon forget.